Everyone wants to fight MEV. Traders resent the theft of new "profit opportunities" and the profits taken away. Users are offended for the transactions that are taken away from them, if they have not made provisions in the contract code to issue rewards to specified addresses. Many miners understand that too much of MEV will drive users out of DeFi leading to losses in fees. Not the last place is taken by the exploitation of users' errors - if a user, for example, accidentally entered an amount with an extra zero and a front-runner instantly used it to gain profit, depriving the user of even the slightest opportunity to correct the error.
In a centralized world, front-running is "banned by the SEC" and everyone is strenuously pretending it doesn't exist — you're unlikely to google anything about this. At the same time brokers can easily profit from clients' trades by informing a friend in any way before a trade and it is just unreal to detect such front-running in centralized systems. In the blockchain industry, laws do not work in words and the only working way is algorithms and economic mechanisms that make honest behavior profitable. It is beneficial for miners to engage in transaction ordering as long as there are sufficient financial incentives. If there are mechanisms that make it easier and more reliable to get comparable income, it will work - for example, direct payments from traders for a guaranteed position of a transaction in a block, increased income from gas auctions, cooperative MEV, etc.
It is these ideas that are embedded in projects assigned to solve MEV problems and ensure fair transaction ordering. The most significant steps in this direction are being made as part of the Flashbots project, on their
GitHub you may find a lot of useful materials,
analytics on MEV transactions, a modified Geth client that allows miners to accept pre-built bundles of transactions, for the use of which they receive additional rewards and much other.
The idea behind Flashbots is as follows - instead of engaging in MEV, miners are offered to receive guaranteed additional income through direct payments from traders and transactions are ordered on separate services - relays where traders trade for the order of transactions without seeing other transactions, using direct payments to the miner (bribes) besides gas price. After the end of trading, transactions are packed into a single bundle, which the miner must include in the block as early as possible, without changing the order of any transaction. A very important requirement is that transactions in a bundle should not revert, which means that a trader will not waste money on commissions for broken transactions when he could not win an ordering auction - because of these commissions, novice algorithmic traders suffer a lot.