MixBytes Joins Substrate Delivery Partners Program

Author: MixBytes team
From now on, we will be able to provide technical help, development support, and consulting services to external teams and companies aiming to build custom Substrate solutions.

Armed with the required knowledge and skills directly from the Parity team, we will help the ecosystem grow and expand. Enterprises and startups will save resources and reduce costs.

If you want to go Substrate, have a specific project in mind or need any kind of assistance, feel free to email us or ping us in Telegram.
  • Who is MixBytes?
    MixBytes is a team of expert blockchain auditors and security researchers specializing in providing comprehensive smart contract audits and technical advisory services for EVM-compatible and Substrate-based projects. Join us on X to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and insights.
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    The information contained in this Website is for educational and informational purposes only and shall not be understood or construed as financial or investment advice.
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